Book, teenagers, overcoming problems

Guiding Teenagers Through Today's Complex Landscape

Has your teen been struggling?  Perhaps they have already been in some sort of therapy without making much progress? Perhaps you are looking at finding help for the first time? 

I am not a therapist!  I am a coach!

Many studies have shown that the coaching model is very effective with teens and produces results to agreed objectives with agreed milestones and within a pre-agreed timeframe.  

Guiding Teenagers Through Today's Complex Landscape

In our rapidly evolving world, today's teenagers face an unprecedented array of challenges. From the pressures of social media to the anxieties spurred by academic and societal expectations, the modern teenager navigates a unique set of stressors that can sometimes feel overwhelming.

Parents, too, grapple with these issues, often feeling ill-equipped to guide their young adults through the murky waters of adolescence.

As alarming statistics reveal, these challenges are far from benign: -
Suicide Ideation: Studies have shown that nearly 1 in 5 U.S. high school students have seriously considered suicide, a number that's risen significantly over the past decades. 
Teenage Pregnancy: Although numbers have been on a decline, the U.S. still ranks as one of the highest developed countries in terms of teenage pregnancies.
Addiction: Substance abuse among teenagers, whether it be alcohol, drugs, or nicotine, remains a pressing concern. The transition from experimentation to addiction is often more rapid during these formative years.
Alienation: The gulf between teenagers and their families can widen due to numerous factors, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness. 
Education Challenges: Roughly 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school on time, and the pressure of academic achievement can lead to burnout, anxiety, and other mental health issues.

My name is Jill Lien, and at Big Horn Wellness, my mission is to be a beacon of hope and guidance for both teenagers and their families. Drawing from a rich toolkit of techniques including hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and personalized coaching, I've dedicated my practice to helping young individuals develop the coping skills they need to thrive. The good news is that I am not a Therapist! I am an experienced Coach, used to getting great results within realistic timescales! 

More than just techniques, the approach at Big Horn Wellness is centered on understanding, compassion, and the belief that every teenager possesses the inherent capacity to overcome their challenges, no matter how insurmountable they might seem. My work is evidence-backed, driven by a commitment to help reduce the tragic instances of teenage suicide and empower young adults to shape a brighter, more hopeful future.

Parents, rest assured. While the journey of adolescence might seem like a stormy sea, with the right tools and guidance, it's a voyage we can navigate successfully together.

At Big Horn Wellness, we're not just focused on problems — we're here to celebrate potential, growth, and the boundless possibilities of the teenage spirit.

Join us in forging a path towards a brighter future for our young adults.